Psychiatrist at the Adult Psychiatry Department of Versailles Hospital
Research Gate:
email: ebrunet (at the domain name)
Area of Research
Schizophrenia, Cognition, Neurosciences
AI technologies in mental heath
My main research interest concern severe and persistent mental conditions associated with psychological disability. I have been working on social cognition evaluation (theory of mind) in schizophrenia, developping experimental paradigms for behavioral and neuroimaging studies. The conclusions are now published. We are currently working on a hybrid study combining clinical research and the implementation of a psychosocial rehabilitation intervention in several adult psychiatric outpatient centers in the west part of Paris (PASSVers2).
In the past years we have been working with Pr. Paul Roux on larger populations of patients assessed by the FondaMental Center of Expertise. This work raised the interest for data processing methods allowing us to manage large and unstructured datasets. Deep learning algorithms, natural language processing (for instance, deep-attentional or transformers models or lstm models) count among the most innovative and promising ways to investigate mental health questions. We are currently working with a BERT-derived model as shown in this article :
Sedki, M., Vidal, N., Roux, P., Barry, C., Speranza, M., Falissard, B., & Brunet-Gouet, E. (2023). Using a self-attention architecture to automate valence categorization of French teenagers’ free descriptions of their family relationships. A proof of concept.
In another work, we challenged the recently proposed ChatGPT model with theory-of-mind tasks in order to see whether it had some mentalizing skills or not. Here we report some contrasted results, the chatbot demonstrating impressive answer generations skills. However, it seems sometimes to miss completely the use of an intentional stance. We discuss some improvements in the training procedure in order to favor mentalization logic.
Brunet-Gouet, E., Vidal, N., Roux, P. (2024). Can a Conversational Agent Pass Theory-of-Mind Tasks? A Case Study of ChatGPT with the Hinting, False Beliefs, and Strange Stories Paradigms. In: Baratgin, J., Jacquet, B., Yama, H. (eds) Human and Artificial Rationalities. HAR 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14522. Springer, Cham. or
Investigating large databases with complex data raises several questions about data encoding and the appropriate way to manage this complexity. We recently started with Nathan Vidal a work about prescription data in mental health and more precisely the pharmacological effects of psychotropes. It is well known that anticholinergic properties of antipsychotics and antidepressants are negative for cognitive functioning. Nathan will carefully consider this question and provide some new ways to encode treatments and their differents properties in order to process large datasets from hospitals or outpatients facilities with these predictors.
UniAct at NeuroSpin (Pr. Lucie Hertz-Pannier) with Philippe Azouvi and Claire Vallat-Azouvi's Plastim-MDT project (multimodal brain imaging investigation of the effects of working memory training in traumatic brain injury)
RECENT Publications
Vidal N, Brunet-Gouet E, Frileux S, Aouizerate B, Aubin V, Belzeaux R, Courtet P, D'Amato T, Dubertret C, Etain B, Haffen E, Januel D, Leboyer M, Lefrere A, Llorca PM, Marlinge E, Olié E, Polosan M, Schwan R, Walter M; FACE-BD (FondaMental Academic Centers of Expertise for Bipolar Disorders) group; Passerieux C, Roux P. Comparative analysis of anticholinergic burden scales to explain iatrogenic cognitive impairment and self-reported side effects in the euthymic phase of bipolar disorders: Results from the FACE-BD cohort. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2023 Sep 21;77:67-79. PMID: 37741163.
Berthet, F., Niculcea, D.-A., Younes, N., & Brunet-Gouet, E. (2022). Brief psychotic disorder revealing a SARS-COV-2 encephalopathy in a patient with myasthenia gravis : A case report. L’Encéphale, S0013700622001130.
Brunet-Gouet, E., Decaix-Tisserand, C., Urbach, M., Bazin, N., Aouizerate, B., Brunel, L., Capdevielle, D., Chereau, I., Dubertret, C., Dubreucq, J., Fond, G., Lançon, C., Leignier, S., Mallet, J., Misdrahi, D., Pires, S., Schneider, P., Schurhoff, F., Yazbek, H., … Roux, P. (2021). Outcome prediction with a social cognitive battery : A multicenter longitudinal study. Npj Schizophrenia, 7(1), 30.
Ehrminger, M., Roux, P., Urbach, M., André, M., Aouizerate, B., Berna, F., Bohec, A.-L., Capdevielle, D., Chéreau, I., Clauss, J., Dubertret, C., Dubreucq, J., Fond, G., Honciuc, R.-M., Lançon, C., Laouamri, H., Leigner, S., Mallet, J., Misdrahi, D., … Brunet-Gouet, E. (2020). The puzzle of quality of life in schizophrenia : Putting the pieces together with the FACE-SZ cohort. Psychological Medicine, 1‑8.
Brunet-Gouet E, Urbach M, Ramos V, Ehrminger M, Aouizerate B, Brunel L, Capdevielle D, Chereau I, Dubertret C, Dubreucq J, Fond G, Lançon C, Leignier S, Mallet J, Misdrahi D, Pires S, Schneider P, Schürhoff F, Yazbek H, Zinetti-Bertschy A, Bazin N, Passerieux C, Roux P. Assessing metacognitive and help-seeking strategies in schizophrenia: design and psychometric validation of the Versailles Metacognitive Strategies Evaluation Questionnaire. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2020, 34(2):263-275.
Yang, Y.-F., Brunet-Gouet, E., Burca, M., Kalunga, E. K., & Amorim, M.-A. (2020). Brain Processes While Struggling With Evidence Accumulation During Facial Emotion Recognition : An ERP Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14.
Book Chapters
Brunet-Gouet, É. (2022). Chapitre 14. Apport de la réalité virtuelle pour comprendre et prendre en charge les troubles de la cognition sociale dans la schizophrénie. Dans : éd., Neuropsychologie clinique et technologies (pp. 301-316). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique: De Boeck Supérieur.
Brunet-Gouet, E., Roux, P. (2018) Connaître et quantifier les déterminants du fonctionnement dans les troubles mentaux sévères et persistants in Traité de Réhabilitation, Eds N Franck, Masson
Brunet-Gouet, E., Oker, A., (2014, ré-édité en 2018) Points de vus théoriques et pratiques sur l’évaluation de la cognition sociale dans la schizophrénie (in Cognition sociale et schizophrénie Outils d'évaluation et de remediation Masson, Editeurs N. Franck; puis in Traité de Réhabilitation, Eds N Franck, Masson)
Access to the Frontiers' research topic : Advances in Virtual Agents and Affective Computing for the Understanding and Remediation of Social Cognitive Disorders : link