Current Position



Tel:  +33(0)

Area of Research

Epidemiology, collaborative care (primary care/psychiatry)


Common mental disorders, suicidality

Research Theme

My research falls within the field of epidemiology in psychiatry (descriptive, analytical, evaluative, or implementation research), particularly for common mental disorders.

1) Mental health practices in general medicine and links with specialized care (shared mental health care, collaborative care), and especially for suicidal acts.

2) Mental health and care trajectories in the general population


Réseau Sentinelles

Coralie Gandré, Magali Coldefy, Julien Mousquès (IRDES)

Maria Melchior

Selected Publications

Younes N, Rivière M, Urbain F, Pons R, Hanslik T, Rossignol L, Chan Chee C, Blanchon T. Management in primary care at the time of a suicide attempt and its impact on care post-suicide attempt: an observational study in the French GP sentinel surveillance system. BMC Fam Pract. 2020 Mar 25;21(1):55.

Rivière M, Toullic Y, Lerouge P, Blanchon T, Leroyer A, Plancke L, Prazuck T, Melchior M, Younès N. Management of work-related common mental disorders in general practice: a cross-sectional study. BMC Fam Pract. 2020, 21(1):132.

Azevedo Da Silva M, Younès N, Leroyer A, Plancke L, Lemogne C, Goldberg M, Rivière M, Melchior M. Long-term occupational trajectories and suicide: a 22-year follow-up of the GAZEL cohort study. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2019 Mar 1;45(2):158-165.

Younes N, Chollet A, Menard E, Melchior M. E-mental health care among young adults and help-seeking behaviors: a transversal study in a community sample. J Med Internet Res. 2015 May 15;17(5):e123.

Younès N, Passerieux C, Hardy-Bayle MC, Falissard B, Gasquet I. Long term GP opinions and involvement after a consultation-liaison intervention for mental health problems. BMC Fam Pract. 2008 Jul 2;9:41. doi: 10.1186/1471-2296-9-41. 

Book Chapters

Manuel de psychiatrie sous la direction de JD Guelfi et F Rouillon (3ème édition). Chapitre 22 Comportements suicidaires coordonné par G Vaiva : « Épidémiologie des actes suicidaires ». Elsevier Masson. 2017, 939 p (Réédition en cours).

Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale. 2015, EMC Psychiatrie / article 37-500-A-30 Examen clinique d'un patient suicidaire. Nadia Younès, Guillaume Vaiva, Christine Passerieux